
From Spring 2025 forward, instead of listing all available courses here, we encourage you to search directly for them. To explore what is available in a given semester, simply visit the Registrar’s Course Search page. After selecting the semester, then type “DBST” into the “Subject” search box to view core courses and/or into the “Attribute” search box to view cross-listed, elective courses.

Introduction, Core, and Elective Courses

DBST-2270 Introduction to Disability Studies (Burke)

DBST-2249 Disability Law and Activism (Brown) (CALL Campus)
DBST/ENGL-2680 Disability and the Arts (Fink)
DBST-3304 Introduction to Deaf Community (Burke)
DBST-3305 Crip/Mad/Queer Narratives (Brown)
DBST-3360 Autistic Activism and Neurodiversity (Brown)
ENGL-4257 Disability Narratives (Danylevich)
ENGL-2702 Grief and Grievance (Rifkin)
PHIL-2002 Bioethics and Disability (Sullivan)
WGST-2234 Feminist Disability Studies (Madden)

ANTH-2250 Intro to Medical Anthropology (Onder)
BIOL-3940 Genomics, Disability, and Health (Peshkin)
EDIJ-2951 Education, Equity, and Advocacy (Reid)
EDIJ-3200 Gateway Seminar in Urban Education (Wesley-Nero)
ENGL-2061 Asian/American Women’s Writing (Lee)
ENGL-2440 Literature of War (Schotland)
ENGL/TPST-4151 Staying Cool: Race and Femininity (Lee)
HESY-1000 Health Care in America (Suh)
HESY/HSCI-1600 Health Promotion and Disease (Riley)
MUSC-2780 Experimental Audio Production (Hammond)
PHIL-2001 Bioethics (Bishop)
PSYC-2700 Psychological Disorders (Bonoir)
SOCI-3709 Sociology of Health and Illness
SPAN-1532 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
SPAN-3000 Gateway to Culture/Linguistics
THEO-2211 Catholic Ritual/Spirituality/Justice (Koester)
THEO-3030 Religion, Medicine, and Disability (Cline)
TPST-1300 Play Analysis (Evans)
UNXD-2109 Health Inequalities in Context (Danylevich)
WGST-1141 Introduction to Sexuality Studies (Forrest)
WRIT-1150 Writing and Culture (Danylevich)

NOTE: ASL Courses Through the Consortium
ASL I and ASL II will be offered at Gallaudet University through the Consortium of Universities in the Fall 2024 semester. Students interested in taking ASL I (GALC:1103) or ASL II (GALC:1104) may count one ASL course towards their electives requirements.

DBST-2270 Introduction to Disability Studies (Burke)
DBST-2270 Introduction to Disability Studies (Brown) (Downtown)

ANTH-2256 Disability and Culture (Onder)
DBST-3305 Crip/Mad/Queer Narratives (Brown)
DBST-3360 Autism Activism and the Neurodiversity Movement (Brown) (Downtown)
DBST-4425 Disability Access and Nature (Burke)
EDIJ-2500 Children with Disabilities (Long)
PHIL-2002 Bioethics and Disability (Sullivan)
PHIL-4302 Topics in Philosophy of Disability (Reynolds)
WGST-2239 Race, Gender, and Medicine (Danylevich)

EDIJ-3230 CBL:Educating the Whole Child (Ghebreab)
EDIJ-4970 Educ/Inquiry/Justice Capstone (Wesley-Nero)
ENGL-2080 Introduction to Asian American Studies (So)
ENGL-2082 Introduction to Asian American Performance (Lee)
HESY-1000 Health Care in America (Suh)
HESY-1600 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Riley)
INAF/JCIV-1763 Holocaust: Gender & Racial Ideology (Sommer)
MUSC-2225 Improvising for Social Change (Hammond)
PHIL-2001 Bioethics (Kao)
PHIL-2105 Cyborg Ethics (Aas)
PHIL-3114 Knowledge, Place, and Architecture (Kukla) (Downtown)
PHIL-3303 Informed Consent and Medical Decision Making (Bishop)
PSYC-2700 Psychological Disorders (Bonior)
SPAN-1521 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN-3000 Gateway to Linguistics (Finnegan)
THEO-2212 Christian Initiation (Koester)
TPST-1250 Improvisation for Soc Change (Hammond)
TPST-2420 Performing LGBTQ+ Histories (Williams)
UNXD-2109 Health Inequality in Time of Covid (Danylevich)
WGST-1140 Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies
WGST-1141 Introduction to Sexuality Studies (Sizemore-Barber or Forrest)

DBST-2270 Intro to Disability Studies (Burke)

DBST-3304 Introduction to Deaf Culture (Burke)
ENGL-2680 Disability and the Arts (Fink)
ENGL-2702 Grief & Grievance (Rifkin)
ENGL-4255 Gender&Care in Mod. US Poetry (Rifkin)
IDST-1491 Disability, Culture, and the Question of Care (Rifkin) (can be applied to the
core with the permission of the Director)
PHIL-2002 Bioethics and Disability (Kukla)
WGST-2234 Feminist Disability Studies (Brown)
WRIT-1150 Composing Disability (Danylevich) (can be
applied to the core with permission of the Director)

ANTH-2250 Intro to Medical Anthropology (Onder)
BIOL-3940 Genomics, Disability & Health (Peshkin)
CULP-3207 Bodies, Technology, & Violence (Chandler)
EDIJ-2951 CBL:Education,Equity,&Advocacy (Gasoi)
EDIJ-3200 CBL:Gateway Sem:UrbanEducation (Wesley-Nero)
EDIJ-3200 Gateway Sem in Urban Education (Smith)
ENGL-2440 The Literature of War (Schotland)
ENGL-2061 Asian/Amer. Women’s Writing (Lee)
ENGL-4151 Stay Cool: Race & Femininity (Lee)
GLOH-4420 Mental Health in Global Development (Wahid)
HESY-1000 Health Care in America (Suh)
HESY-1600 Hlth Promotn/Disease Preventn (Riley)
TPST-1300 Play Analysis (Evans)
TPST-4151 Staying Cool: Race&Femininity (Lee)
PHIL-2001 Bioethics (Bishop)
PHIL 3302 Ethics and Intellectual Disability (Sullivan)
PPOL-6361 Disability Justice, Equity, and Policy (Baldwin)
PSYC-2700 Psychological Disorders (Bonior)
PSYC-3810 Building Equitable Societies (Barr and McGrab)
STIA-3257 Global Health Foundations
SOCI-3709 Sociology of Health/Illness (Newman)
SPAN-1521 Intermediate Spanish I (Carvajal)
SPAN-3000 Gateway to Culture/Literature/Linguistics
THEO-2211 Cath Ritual/Spirituality/Justice (Koester)
WGST-1141 Intro to Sexuality Studies (Forrest)
WGST-1141 Intro to Sexuality Studies (Sizemore-Barber)
WGST-2252 Sex, Social Justice/Bill of Rights
WGST-2258 Queer Cinema (Sizemore-Barber)

DBST 270 Introduction to Disability Studies (Burke)

DBST 424 Disability Studies Seminar (Brown)
EDIJ 253 Children with Disabilities (Long)
EDIJ 242 Educating the Whole Child (Gasoi)
ENGL/DBST 268 Disability and the Arts (Fink)
THEO 074 Disability, Ethics, and EcoJustice (Belser) Can be applied to the core when added to another Core Pathways class
WBST 234 Feminist Disability Studies (Brown)
WRIT 015-09, WRIT 015-16 Composing Dis/Ability at Georgetown (Danylevich) Can be applied to the core with special permission of the Director

ANTH 250 Introduction to Medical Anthropology (Onder)
BIO 373 Developmental Biology (Cunningham)
EDIJ 401 Education, Inquiry, and Justice (Wesley-Nero)
ENGL 227 African American Poetry
HSCI/HESY 160 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Riley)
HSCI/HESY 010 Healthcare in America (Suh)
IDST 109 Health Inequities in the Time of Covd (Danlyvich)
JCIV 175 The Holocaust: Gender and Racial Ideology (Sommer)
MUSC 225/TPST 125 Improvising for Social Change (Hammond)
PHIL 105 Bioethics (Bishop)
PHlL 435 Global Justice and the Environment (Taiwo)
PSYC 343 Anxiety and Related Disorders (Bonjor)
SOCI 3709 Sociology of Health and Illness (Newma)
SPAN 021 Intermediate Spanish (Moreno)
THEO 023 Christian Initiation (Koester)
TPST 130 Play Analysis (Evans)
TPST 242 Performing LGBTQ+ Histories (Williams/Subbaraman)
WGST 141-03 Introduction to Sexuality Studies (Forrest)
WGST 141-01/02 Introduction to Sexuality Studies (Sizemore-Barber)
WRIT 015-35 Rhetoric and Wellness (Danylevich)
ECON 156 Poverty and Inequality (Ravallion)

DBST 270 Introduction to Disability Studies

ANTH 256 Disability and Culture
BIOL 394 Genomics, Disability and Health
DBST 218 Nazis and Disability
IDST 010 Disability, Culture, and the Question of Care
PHIL 106 Bioethics and Disability
WGST 234 Feminist Disability Studies

EDIJ 220 Education, Equity, & Advocacy
EDIJ 241 Seminar in Urban Education
ENGL 459 Hybrid Forms/Advanced Topics in Writing
HSCI/ESY 160 Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
MUSC 278 Experimental Audio Production
PHIL 105 Bioethics
PHIL 112 Gender and Feminism
PPOL 772 Disability Justice Equity &Pol
PSYC 151 Psychological Disorders
PSYCH 225 Health Psychology
SOCI 109 Sociology of Health/Illness
SPAN 032 Intermediate Spanish
STIA 357 Global Health Foundations
THEO 121 Catholic Ritual, Spirituality and Justice
THEO 510 Religion and Gender
TPST 280 Hope Playwriting Seminar
WGSR 258 Queer Cinema
WGST 141 Sexuality Studies

DBST 303 Mad Studies
DBST 350 Educating the Young Disabled Child—A Global Comparison Long
ENGL 443 Gender and Care in Modern U.S. Poetry
PHIL 106 Bioethics & Disability
WGST 234 Feminist Disability Studies

DBST 270-01 Introduction to Disability Studies
DBST 270-02 Introduction to Disability Studies
DBST 278 Disability and the Arts
DBST 424 Disability Studies Seminar
EDIJ 242-01 CBL: Educating the Whole Child
EDIJ 253 Children with Disabilities
THEO 074 Disability, Ethics, and EcoJustice
THEO 351 Disability and the Jewish Bible
WGST 239 Medicine Race and Gender

ANTH 250 Intro to Medical Anthropology
BIOL 195 Neurobiology
BIOL 373 01 and 02 Developmental Biology
BIOL 376 Developmental Neurobiology
HESY/HSCI 160 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
INAF 175 Holocaust: Gender & Racial Ideology
PHIL 104 Bioethics: Law and End of Life
PHIL 105 Bioethics
PSYC 151 Psychological Disorders (Abnormal Psychology)
PSYC 235 Social and Affective Neuroscience
PSYC 353 Culture & Psychopathology
SPAN 032 – 01 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 032 – 02 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
THEO 023 Christian Initiation
TPST 130 Play Analysis
TPST 242 Performing LGBTQ+ History
TPST/MUSC 278 Experimental Audio Production: Theory and Practice
WGST 141 Intro to Sexuality Studies

Graduate Level
DBST 717 Disability, Art, and Culture
INAF 694 Refugee/Humanitarian Crises
INAF 698 Intro to Humanitarian Crises
LAWJ 754 Epidemiology
PHIL 759 Political Philosophy of the Body
THEO 351 Disability and the Jewish Bible

DBST 270 Introduction to Disability Studies

ANTH 256 Disability and Culture
DBST 218 Nazis and Disability
ENGL 443 Gender and Care in Modern US Poetry
ENGL 445 Disability Narratives
PHIL 106 Bioethics and Disability
WGST 234 Feminist Disability Studies

BIOL 394 Genomics, Disability and Health
EDIJ 220 Education, Equity, & Advocacy
EDIJ 241 Seminar in Urban Education
HSCI/ESY-160 Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
IDST 109 Health Inequities in the Time of COVID
IDST 120-10 Disability Justice at GU
PHIL 105-01 Bioethics
PHIL 112 Gender and Feminism
PHIL 446 Ethics of Embodiment
PSYC 151 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 109 Sociology of Health/Illness
THEO 121 Catholic Ritual, Spirituality and Justice
TPST 280 Hope Playwriting Seminar
WGST 141 Sexuality Studies
WGST 233 HIV, Culture, and Politics

DBST 270 Intro to Disability Studies

DBST 424 Disability Studies Seminar
ENGL 268 Disability and the Arts
EDIJ 253 Children with Disabilities
DBST 439/PHIL 439 Topics in Philosophy of Disability
WGST 239 Culture, Medicine, and Gender
PHIL 106 Bioethics and Disability
THEO 130 Religion and Disability Studies
WGST 234 Feminist Disability Studies

ANTH 250 Intro to Medical Anthropology
BIOL 373 Developmental Biology
BIOL 376 Developmental Neurobiology
FREN 473 Maladies and Miracle Cures in 19th-Century France
HSCI 160/HESY 160 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
MGMT 278 Courage and Moral Leadership
MUSC 278 Experimental Audio Production: Theory and Practice
PHIL104 Bioethics Law and End of Life
PSYC 235 Social and Affective Neuroscience
THEO 023 Christian Initiation
THEO 074 Disability, Ethics, and Environmental Justice

ENGL-270 Introduction to Disability Studies

ANTH-256 Disability and Culture
ENGL-443 Gender and Care in Modern US Poetry
PHIL-106 Bioethics and Disability
WGST-234 Feminist Disability Studies
DBST 218 Nazi Pol & Prac Re: Disability

BIOL-394 Genomics, Disability & Health
CULP-218 Nazi Pol & Prac Re: Disability
CULP-271 Bodies, Technology, & Violence
EDIJ-220 CBL: Education, Equity, & Advocacy
EDIJ-241 CBL: Gateway Sem: Urban Education
HESY-160 Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
INAF-269 Nazi Camps and the Holocaust
JCIV-269 Nazi Camps and the Holocaust
PHIL-112 Gender and Feminism
PSYC-151 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC-225 Health Psychology
STIA-362 Culture, Reproductive Science and Technology
STIA-421 Global Health Foundations
SOCI-109 Sociology of Health/Illness
SOCI-111 Flourishing: College & Community
THEO-121 Cath Ritual/Spirituality/Justi
WGST-141 Intro to Sexuality Studies