
Lydia X.Z.Brown (C’15) Returns to Teach in Disability Studies for 2020

Lydia X.Z. Brown, J.D., will be joining the Disability Studies faculty for the spring of 2020. Brown (C‘15) is returning to Georgetown’s campus to teach English 424, The Disability Studies Seminar. Brown, an internationally significant disability justice activist, currently co-leads a project on algorithmic fairness and disability rights at the Institute for Technology Law & Policy at Georgetown’s law school. More broadly, their work has focused on violence against multiply-marginalized disabled people, especially institutionalization, policing, and incarceration. Most recently, Brown served as a Justice Catalyst Fellow at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, working on defending and advancing the educational civil rights of Maryland students with psychosocial, intellectual, and developmental disabilities.

“I am so excited that the students of the Disability Studies program will have the opportunity to learn from Professor Brown’s expertise. I first had the privilege of hearing them speak during an on-campus disability studies event last year. It featured a special screening of the film Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement as well as a discussion of what it means for modern technology to be able to “fix” or minimize the effects of disability. I think that their experience of being a Georgetown student will foster unique relationships with their own students, and will bring critical institutional perspectives into conversations surrounding disability. It’s great to have them back!” 

Meredith Nally (C’20), Disability Studies minor